Unit 6: Representing Text

CSP: Digital Information Representing Text based on resources from code.org PBL by Silver Oaks Food for thought This list secretly represents four things we experience every year. This list is not complete – there are others that we could add to it. 01 0126 0115...

Unit 7: Black and White Images

CSP: Digital Information Black and White Images based on resources from code.org PBL by Silver Oaks Food for thought You recently did some online shopping and are expecting a package to arrive in about a month. The delivery service has a tracking system which reads...

Unit 8: Color Images

CSP: Digital Information Color Images based on resources from code.org PBL by Silver Oaks Food for thought How many different shades of the color blue can you name? How many do you think there are in total? Can a computer display all those colors? Red, Green, and Blue...

Unit 9: Lossless Compression

CSP: Digital Information Lossless Compression based on resources from code.org PBL by Silver Oaks Food for thought As you have been creating images over the last few units, the number of bits it takes to represent that information has grown and grown. In this Unit,...

Unit 10: Lossy Compression

CSP: Digital Information Lossy Compression based on resources from Code.org PBL by Silver oaks Warmup After exploring lossless compression in last unit, let us now explore lossy compression. A theme throughout tis unit is that lossy compression can greatly reduce the...